By Ben Vaske, BFA – Sr. Investment Strategist, Orion, John Hoffman – Investment Analyst, Orion

As investors seek to align their portfolios with the transformative forces shaping the future, BlackRock’s identification of five “Mega Forces” may provide a strategic roadmap. These forces encompass demographic shifts, technological advancements, geopolitical dynamics, financial innovations, and sustainability initiatives. We believe that harnessing these forces through thematic investing via Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) offers a structured approach to capitalizing on emerging trends while managing risk.

Delving into BlackRock’s Mega Forces

Demographic Divergence:

Demographic trends, such as aging populations and socioeconomic disparities, profoundly influence consumption patterns, labor markets, and economic growth trajectories. ETFs targeting healthcare, consumer goods, and emerging markets allow investors to capitalize on demographic shifts. For instance, an ETF focused of future healthcare trends) provides exposure to companies driving innovation in healthcare, catering to the needs of aging populations worldwide. By using Demographic Divergence ETFs in a diversified portfolio, investors may be able to gain exposure to the new order around the world’s demographic makeup.

Digital Disruption & AI:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital disruption are reshaping industries, driving efficiency gains and innovation. Beyond current applications, the evolution of AI holds immense potential across sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. As we’ve seen with the explosive growth of AI enablers such as NVIDIA, Google, and Microsoft, there lies extraordinary investment opportunity within this area of the market. We believe AI is poised to bring the next revolution to society and businesses, As an example, investors can access this theme through ETFs focusing on semiconductor companies or those with broad exposure to robotics and AI.

A Fragmenting World:

Geopolitical tensions and the resurgence of nationalism are reshaping global trade dynamics. Despite deglobalization trends, technological advancements foster connectivity, creating opportunities for companies facilitating cross-border interactions. ETFs concentrating on communication infrastructure, transportation technology, and cybersecurity offer exposure to firms navigating geopolitical complexities. Exposure to growing emerging markets, aerospace & defense, and metals & mining ETFs allow for exposure to trends picking up the benefits of deglobalization.

Future of Finance:

The financial sector is undergoing a digital transformation fueled by fintech innovations, blockchain technology, and the adoption of digital currencies. While heavy attention is falling on digital currencies like Bitcoin in 2024, the infrastructure behind traditional currencies and payment methods is also being reshaped with future-focused technology. ETFs focusing on fintech companies or blockchain technology provide exposure to disruptive forces revolutionizing traditional financial services.

Low-Carbon Transition:

The imperative to mitigate climate change is driving investments in renewable energy, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable infrastructure. ETFs specializing in clean energy or environmental sustainability offer exposure to companies leading the transition towards a low-carbon economy.

Embracing Thematic Investing with ETFs

Thematic ETFs enable investors to access specific investment themes or trends through diversified portfolios of underlying securities. We believe that by allocating capital to thematic ETFs aligned with BlackRock’s Mega Forces, investors can position themselves to capitalize on long-term trends while mitigating the idiosyncratic risk associated with individual stocks.

  • Diversification and Growth: Thematic ETFs are designed to provide exposure to high-growth sectors and industries, offering diversification benefits within a single investment vehicle.
  • Risk Management: By spreading investments across multiple companies within a theme, investors may be able to substantially reduce idiosyncratic risk. This also applies to allocating capital to multiple themes at once, enhancing the diversified, risk-managed approach to thematic exposures within portfolios.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: ETFs trade on stock exchanges like individual stocks, offering liquidity and ease of trading. Investors can access thematic strategies with the same convenience as traditional equity investments.

BlackRock’s Mega Forces represent structural shifts with profound implications for investors. By embracing thematic investing through ETFs, investors can align their portfolios with these forces driving future growth and innovation. With careful consideration and strategic allocation, thematic ETFs offer a compelling avenue for navigating evolving market dynamics and seizing opportunities in the ever-changing investment landscape.


Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC d/b/a Brinker Capital Investments (“OPS”) a registered investment advisor.

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