Anna N’Jie-Konte was interviewed at the recent Exchange conference. N’jie-Konte described her firm, Re-Envision Wealth, as, “a comprehensive wealth management firm that focuses serving affluent households of color – we call them first gen wealth builders – and impact investing to close the racial and gender wealth gap.”

2024 Goals

“My goal for 2024 is growth,” N’Jie-Konte said. 2023 was the year Re-Envision came together. With a staff that has gelled and infrastructure firmly in place, N’Jie-Konte is looking forward to growing the practice. “We just need to continue to get the message out there about who we are, what we do, and we we serve folks.”

The Human Element

N’Jie-Konte praised Exchange for its focus on the human element. She noted that many of the sessions she saw and the conversations she had tilted toward that human element. “It’s one thing to engage in behavioral coaching with clients, its another to help deepen their purpose and their sense of why.”

N’Jie-Konte’s own session was on re-imagining your business model and building a firm for the future. Accordingly, she and the other panelists focused on how to structure offerings for clients in a way that serves everyone. “One of the things I’m most passionate about in this industry is helping folks re-envision their business model to be more inclusive,” she said. “Understanding that that is not a tradeoff for profitability and viability of the business.” N’Jie-Konte sees a lot of unmet needs in the market, creating opportunities for impact without sacrificing profits.

Anna N’Jie-Konte on Her Favorite Part of Exchange

Exchange provided lots of terrific sessions that focused on both strategy and the human side of a financial advisor’s work. But N’Jie-Konte’s favorite part of the event were the people. “The most value I gain from these events is the people that are here, beyond the sessions.”

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